Last Summer Week-end

For my last week end, the Summer week-end, we went with a few friends to a Mökki (a summer cottage), in Yyteri, not far from the beach…

and we did a lot of things !

Sand castle/mountain/boat construction
Swimming in the really really warm sea…
Grilling some meat (way too much !)
Playing in the angry birds children playground 🙂
Watching the sunset
Napping on the beach on Sunday morning, after a long night 🙂
Playing Mölkky
Jumping on the sunny beach
…and simply enjoying the last summer day !


Now, Summer is “closed” the Mökki season is over, the boat season as well, fireworks were everywhere on Saturday to celebrate, and that’s it. Now, it is 10-12 degrees, windy, grey clouds, and rainy… 🙁

2 thoughts on “Last Summer Week-end

  1. Voilà des conditions estivales pas très communes pour nous, qui t’écrivons du “sud” ! Peut être bénéficieras tu d’un peu de douceur en septembre, pour t’aider à faire la transition, à mettre au chaud les nouveaux liens tissés . Bon voyage et Bisous

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